- Central Workshop
- Image Technology Room
- Computer Center
- Cryogenic Service Room
- Environment, Health and Safety Management Office
- Library
- Cleanrooms
- Integrative Biotechnology Experimental Facility
- Komaba Analysis Core
- Tank Facilities (Kashiwa Campus)
- Advanced Mobility Research Equipments (Kashiwa Campus)
- Shaking Table and Static Loading Related Facilities (Kashiwa Campus)
- Office for the Next Generation
- Dining Lab

This office was established in 2004 to set up and maintain a reliable and continuous safety and health management system based on the industrial safety and health law for all IIS members participating in research and educational activities. The main activities of the office are as follows assigning operation chiefs for specific accident or hazard prevention control; providing health and safety education and training; conducting work environment measurements; providing healthcare through medical examinations; and performing and implementing point-by-point safety inspections and various safety and health measures to preserve a good research environment. These activities are performed in cooperation with the industrial physician, other sections of IIS, and other health and safety management offices on the Komaba Research Campus. In addition, the office has various equipment for safety checks, a waste-water monitoring system, and a safety depot for chemically hazardous wastes.