Departments and Research Centers
Departments and Research Centers
Interspace Research Center
Interspace Research Center

Consistent, adaptable and responsive connection and op­eration are required to maximise the benefit and welfare by the diffusion and extension of the digital twin in the built environment. The center proposes "interspace" as the area between physical and cyberspaces. Well-designed in­terspace enables accurate and precise reflection of the events and state-of-arts in physical space to cyberspace. It also enables responsive conversion of processing and op­erations in cyberspace.
The center focuses on developing a universal method of spatial description that supports in­teroperable activities of varieties of autonomous agents such as people, robotics, and components of the built en­vironment. The center facilitates a holistic approach to en­hance such "common ground" of spatial description through global partnership with a wide range of stakehold­ers.


Poster for Interspace Research Center

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