Special Field of Study
Traffic Management and Control
Departments and Research Centers
Department of Human and Social Systems
Large-Scale Experiment and Advanced-Analysis Platform(LEAP)
Advanced Mobility Research Center (ITS Center)
Urban Surface Streets Management for Smart Mobility
Educational Systems
Civil Engineering : Graduate School of Engineering
Interdisciplinary Information Studies : Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies
Graduate Program on Environmental Sciences(GPES) : Graduate School of Arts and Science
Research Subject
This laboratory is conducting research activities related to Transport Engineering, which aims to acquire a safe, smooth and environmentally-fridendly/sustainable road transport system. There are three main pillars for our activities. One is the 'Fundamental Sciences' with theoretical research to understand variety of transport phenomena, the next is the 'traffic simulation' to develop tools to evaluate many of transport and urban planning policy, and the last is the 'transport management' including innovative policies for expressways and surface streets/avenues.