Application of Single Wall Carbon Nanotube AFM Probe

Kazuhiko Matsumoto

AIST (Electrotechnical Laboratory) Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568, Japan
Tel: 81-298-61-5516, Fax 81-298-61-5523,

The single wall carbon nanotube grown directly onto the conventional AFM silicon tip by thermal CVD is used as an ultra sharp AFM cantilever, which can drastically enhance the resolution of AFM image. Using this cantilever for AFM nano-oxidation process, the single electron transistor (SET) was fabricated with the island size of as small as 5nm. We have first succeeded in observing the stable Coulomb diamond characteristics even at room temperature in the SET because of the small capacitance of the order of 1E-19F made by the carbon nanotube AFM nano-oxidation process.